Strawberry Albert Embroidered Varsity Jacket
🍓 Introducing the freshest pick of the season – the "Strawberry Albert Embroidered Varsity Jacket"! 🐸
It’s bold, it’s bright, it’s berry-licious, and it’s got Albert the Frog’s signature style stitched right into it. This isn’t just a jacket; it’s a statement – one that says you're all about fun, flair, and a little bit of frolic.
Albert is the kind of frog who knows his fashion from his faux-pas, and this piece? It's the pinnacle of pond couture.
- Embroidered in the UK
- Embroidered on front, sleeves and back
- Applique Embroidery
- 70% Cotton
- 30% Polyester
- Unisex Fit
- Contrast Sleeves
- Inner Fleece
- Soft and comfortable
- Available in Green
- Available in Sizes XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL
Care: Machine Wash Cold
Dispatch: Orders are dispatched generally within 1-3 working days
Size |
XS |
S |
M |
L |
XL |
Chest size |
32" |
34" |
38" |
42" |
46" |
50" |
54" |
Any questions please write to
Delivery Times
Here are some of the time estimates we manage for every region in the world:
United Kingdom 3 - 7 days after dispatch
Europe 7 - 10 days after dispatch
United States & Canada 7 - 10 days after dispatch
Australia, Japan and South Korea 20 - 35 working days after dispatch
Rest of the World 20 - 35 working days after dispatch
Please be aware that we do our best to abide by our delivery estimates and provide the quickest and most efficient service but sometimes delays do happen.
International buyers, please be aware that we have no control over local delivery services, they vary a lot depending on the area where you reside.
Delays may be due to slow local delivery services, checks at customs or busy periods of the year i.e. Local Holidays etc.
You are responsible for any import duty or tax that may apply to orders outside the UK. This does not refer to shipping charges but to any legal requirements decided by the governing law where you reside. Any order refused by customers due to these charges will be liable for all costs shipping the order back, including the original cost of the shipping, the costs of shipping are non-refundable.
Note in rare occasions custom agents may delay delivery of some packages.
Care instructions
Hand wash where possible. Do not use dryer.