Xoxi The Axolotl Moods Pink Mug
Perk up your morning routine with a splash of cheer from our adorable Xoxi the Axolotl Moods Mug! Crafted for comfort and cuteness, this mug features the lovable Xoxi in a range of moods that axolotl enthusiasts and mug collectors alike will adore.
Each expression—from delighted to pouty—captures the whimsical nature of these fascinating aquatic creatures, while the vibrant palette of pink and playful flower accents adds a pop of color to your day.
- Material: Ceramic
- Pink Colour on the handle and inside of mug
- 11 oz
- High Quality
- Large Handle
- Adorable Design
- Dishwasher safe and microwave safe
All items will be checked and well packed before shipping. Orders will be dispatched within 1-3 working days after the payment is finished.
Any questions please write to info@momokakkoii.co.uk ♡
Delivery Times
Here are some of the time estimates we manage for every region in the world:
United Kingdom 3 - 7 days after dispatch
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Rest of the World 20 - 35 working days after dispatch
Please be aware that we do our best to abide by our delivery estimates and provide the quickest and most efficient service but sometimes delays do happen.
International buyers, please be aware that we have no control over local delivery services, they vary a lot depending on the area where you reside.
Delays may be due to slow local delivery services, checks at customs or busy periods of the year i.e. Local Holidays etc.
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Note in rare occasions custom agents may delay delivery of some packages.
Care instructions
Hand wash where possible. Do not use dryer.